


President’s letter

NACE New Orleans


“Shaken, not stirred”


Good morning NACE members,

      As I stand with you during this difficult and unprecedented time in our nation’s history, I cannot help but notice our New Orleans hospitality community coming together and lifting each other up.   Unfortunately our meeting in April will not take place, but we will certainly keep you informed as we look to reschedule in the future. We will continue to post resources to benefit those in our industry as we receive them.

      I wanted to quickly take a moment to acknowledge the incredible talent and dedication of all of the members within our organization. We as New Orleanians define the word resilient and nothing will break us. We have been faced with adversity before and we will conquer again.

 We may be shaken, but we are not stirred.

We may be defeated, but we will overcome.

We may be swamped, but we will ride it out.

We may be starved, but we are still hungry.

We may be socially distant, but we still stand together.

We may be thirsty, well... maybe not, because we can still buy alcohol :)


We are New Orleans, we are NACE, we are family! When we raise that flag, you better believe we  will be the first to get back to normalcy. We will gather and lift each other to support every single one of our members to get not only back to where they were before, but beyond what they could ever imagine. I look forward to the time when social gatherings and events prevail!

 I encourage you to take this time away to focus on your family, your health, and your life. Support whatever locals you can. You have individually given so much to this industry to make it so incredible and a top destination in our country. It’s time to take a minute for yourself before we press that reset button! Stay strong and be brave my friends!


“The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity.”

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Sincerely, Your President


Katie McNulty, CPCE


Immediate Past President: Michelle Dunnick, CPCE, MBA

Vice President: Caitlin Miner, CPCE

Secretary: Caroline Hubbard

Treasurer: Andrea Renken

Director of Programs and Education: Isabella Finnell, CPCE, MBA

Director of Strategic Partnerships: Courtney Fields, DMCP

Director of Fundraising: Tony Leggio, CPCE, DMCP

Director of Membership Recruitment: Matthew Diaz

Director of Membership Engagement: Stacey Messina, CPCE

Director of Marketing: Melissa Eilers